Einmal mehr können wir Lehrmittelmacher vielleicht über den Zaun schauen und uns an anderen Branchen orientieren. Was für den Journalismus gilt, liesse sich meiner Meinung auch auf die Lehrmittelbranche übertragen. Oder wie es Jeff Jarvis sagt: “Do what you do best and link to the rest.” #Hyperlinks #Journalismus #Context

The Lack of Hyperlinks

Whenever I browse articles from English written media, I realize how often they use hyperlinks to enrich their storieswhether they link to their research or other websites for further information. Last week, news broke that a Swiss journalist, working for the weekly paper Weltwoche, translated an article from the British Telegraph without giving any clue what his source was. Not only do German written news sites just spread agency material and copy articles from competitors without mentioning the source properly, but they avoid strictly to link to other websites. Via medium.com

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